People with Multiple Disability

It has been estimated that over a third of people with moderate to severe/profound learning disabilities are visually impaired, whilst the incidence of sensory impairment in people with Down Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy is significantly higher.
Multiple disabilities refer to people whose intellectual, sensory and physical disabilities interact to make learning and skills acquisition perhaps more difficult than for someone with one disability.
People with multiple disabilities require others to understand how each of their disabilities interacts to compound the difficulties they may experience. If others fail to acknowledge how, for example, partial sight may complicate the way a person with intellectual disabilities may learn a skill. Crucial learning opportunities for that person may be lost.
People with multiple disabilities may also experience ongoing medical or mental health problems. VHA works with health professionals to ensure that a person’s medical, general and mental health needs are met to enable each person to maintain his/her status as an active and valued member of his/her home and community.
VHA staff teams are dedicated and multi-skilled professionals who are highly trained to recognise and respond to the needs of the people they support.
Vision Homes provides the following services throughout the Midlands and Yorkshire:
Registered Care Homes

We have set up small services, supporting a maximum of 5 adults with their daily activities and healthcare needs. Attention is paid to ensuring that these individuals’ care plans and wishes are considered, and we work with them towards fulfilling their goals.
Domiciliary Services
As with other services, the individuals living in domiciliary settings are supported to become involved in all aspects of everyday living and to access facilities in their local and wider community.